【新聞稿】20230530 台塑是台灣之恥 美越受害者跨海控訴

【新聞稿】20230530 台塑是台灣之恥 美越受害者跨海控訴
📆時間:2023 年 05 月 30 日
🚶‍♀地點:2023 台塑股東會(茹曦酒店)
台塑是台灣之恥 美越受害者跨海控訴

台塑集團 Formosa Plastics Group 頂著福爾摩沙 (Formosa) 美麗之島之名,在世界多處造成嚴重且不可回逆的環境汙染及人權侵害,玷汙福爾摩沙之名,是為台灣之恥。今日台塑股東會,兩名美國 Goldman Environmental Prize 得主暨台塑受害者:Diane Wilson(德州)、Sharon Lavigne(路州)、其女兒Shamyra Lavigne、及代表越南受害者的Nancy Bui,越海來台,親至台塑股東會,向台塑集團高層及台塑股東喊話,呼籲台塑集團不再侵害環境與人權,並就已造成之侵害給予受害者賠償及救濟。


Formosa Plastics is a disgrace to Taiwan; US, Vietnamese victims cross seas to accuse

Formosa Plastics Group (FPG), known by the endearing name of “Formosa”, has done serious and irreversible damage to environment and human rights around the world, bringing disgrace to the island. This year, two American Goldman Environmental Prize winners and victims of Formosa Plastics pollution, Diane Wilson from Texas and Sharon Lavigne from Louisiana, along with Sharon’s daughter Shamyra Lavigne and Nancy Bui representing the Vietnamese victims, have crossed seas to attend the FPG’s annual shareholders’ meeting. They called for the senior management, as well as the shareholders, to put a stop to any ongoing environmental and human rights violations in the company’s operating process, and to provide relief and compensation to the victims for the harm already caused. Prior to the meeting, they spoke briefly and took questions alongside the Monitor Formosa Alliance, a coalition of six NGOs. 



2023 年高曼環境獎得主、一輩子從事捕蝦業的 Diane Wilson在股東會中表示,台塑在德州的工廠每天產生超過 1 萬億個塑膠顆粒,將毒素和重金屬釋放到空氣和水中,亦造成大規模地下水污染,在氯乙烯氣體排放量上更位居全國第二。美國地方法院的一名法官在2019年裁定台塑違反《淨水法》(Clean Water Act),且是未回報「大規模、長久且重複性」塑膠污染排放的「累犯」。2019年,台塑雖同意將「淨零排放」作為和解協定的一部分,但於後已違反該協定400多次。Wilson 呼籲台塑停止污染土地、空氣和水,還給人們乾淨永續的環境。


Starting the press conference, Diane Wilson, Goldman Environmental Prize 2023 winner and lifelong shrimper, said that Formosa Plastics’ plant in Texas produces more than one trillion nurdles per day, in a process that releases toxins and heavy metals into air and water. Moreover, it has caused extensive groundwater contamination and it is second in the nation for vinyl chloride releases to the air. A US District Court Judge ruled in 2019 that Formosa Plastics had violated the Clean Water Act, and called the company a “serial offender” who failed to report “extensive, historical, and repetitive” releases of plastic pollution. In 2019, Formosa Plastics agreed to “zero-discharge” as part of the settlement, but it has since violated that agreement over 400 times. Wilson called on Formosa Plastics to stop polluting land, air and water, and return to the people a clean and sustainable environment.

呼應Wilson的訴求,2021年高曼環境獎得主 Sharon Lavigne 也敦促台塑集團停止在路易士安那州聖詹姆斯教區建廠的「陽光計畫」 (Sunshine Project)。一旦完成,這個佔地2500英畝、由14個設施組成的廠區,將成為世界上最大的塑膠生產設施。且「陽光計畫」預定地原是18世紀埋葬奴隸的墓地,對當地社區具有特殊意義。若被允許建造,它將再度重擊環境和氣候,加劇既有的環境種族歧視等問題。


Echoing Wilson’s calls, Sharon Lavigne, Goldman Environmental Prize 2021 winner, urged Formosa Plastics Group to stop the construction of the Sunshine Project in St. James Parish, Louisiana. Once completed, the Sunshine Project would occupy 2,500 acres of land, consisting of fourteen facilities, and become the world’s largest production facility for plastics. Moreover, the location where the Sunshine Project is planned is an 18-century slave graveyard, which bears a special meaning to the community. If allowed to be built, it would become yet another disaster for the environment and the climate, and exacerbate the already existing environmental racism. 

美國台塑受害者正義會副會長裴南茜 (Nancy Bui) 則直接向台塑喊話:「台塑,與越南共產黨政府達成協定不會讓你的問題消失。這些檯面下的交易不能成為台塑在越南造成最嚴重環境災難的藉口。唯有賠償受害者、復原已受污染的海岸線,並停止所有仍在造成污染的活動,才能挽救台塑被毀的名聲。」


Nancy Bui, Vice President of Justice for Formosa Victims, called on FPG directly: “Formosa Plastics, cutting deals with the Vietnamese Communist government  will not make your problems go away. These under the table deals do not excuse you from causing the worst environment disaster in Việtnam. The only way to redeem your ruined reputation is by compensating the victims, restoring the affected coastline  and cessing all activities that pollute the Vietnamese coastline.”



Hsin Hsuan Sun, researcher of the Environmental Rights Foundation said, Formosa Plastics’ pollution in Vietnam didn’t stop at the 2016 marine disaster. In October last year, Formosa Ha Tinh emitted thick yellow smoke, suffocating students in the surrounding area. According to local residents, rainwater collected in basins contains a layer of black soot at the bottom. What impact will these yellow smoke, and other substances discharged into the water and soil have on the locals, the environment, and ecology? For seven years, residents have had no answers. There have never been any credible scientific reports for public scrutiny. But isn’t it the most basic right of a person to know how the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the fish they consume will affect their health? We call on FPG to immediately arrange for a trusted, impartial third party to conduct environmental and human rights impact assessments and make public the results. As part of civil society, conducting impact assessments for all business activities and disclosing the results is the most fundamental obligation of an enterprise. Formosa Plastics, a large conglomerate with ample resources, has no excuse to shirk their responsibility. We also call on the Bureau of Labor Funds, the tenth largest shareholder of Formosa Plastics Corporation, to follow its own social responsibility investment policy, exercise shareholder activism, and actively guide Formosa Plastics to fulfill corporate social responsibility.


稍早在股東會場外,天主教新竹教區越南移工移民辦公室主任阮文雄神父表示台灣台塑集團在越南成立台塑河靜鋼廠。於2016年4月,它污染了義安、河靜、廣平和順化4個省份的越南海岸。越南超過 125 英里海岸線的污染摧毀了當地的工業、生計和食物來源。 污染導致 100 多噸魚死亡。 污染導致許多漁民失業。它造成了亞洲最嚴重的環境災難和越南最嚴重的環境災難之一。台灣的台塑沒有吸取教訓,它們繼續污染世界其他地區,從德克薩斯州的康福特角到越南的河靜;伊利諾伊州的伊利奧波利斯;以及台灣的雲林縣。台塑集團留下了全球記錄,證明了權利和安全如何 當地社區和人民的健康,以及環境和公共衛生,已成為企業利潤的犧牲品。台塑的悠久歷史體現了整個石化和塑料行業對人類健康、人權、當地生態系統和全球氣候構成的深遠風險。我們要求台塑集團:(一) 停止所有污染活動;(二) 實施嚴格的環境控制;(三) 透明報告;(四) 補償受影響的社區;(五) 投資可持續替代品。


Peter Nguyễn Văn Hùn,Director, Vietnamese Migrant and Immigrant Office of the Catholic Church’s Hsinchu Diocese said, Hejing Steel Plant in Vietnam, built by FPG, caused coastal pollution in four Vietnamese provinces – Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh and Hue -in April 2016. The over-125-mile coastal pollution has destroyed local industries, livelihoods and food sources, killing more than 100 tons of fish and leaving many fishers out of work. It is one of the worst environmental disasters in Asia and in Vietnam. Despite this, FPG did not learn its lesson and continues to pollute other parts of the world, from Point Comfort in Texas, Ha Tinh in Vietnam, Illiopolis in Illinois, to Yunlin County in Taiwan. FPG’s flagrant disregard for the rights, safety and health of the local communities, as well as the environment and public health, demonstrates how corporate profits have taken priority over these crucial issues. FPG’s repeated violations encapsulate the significant risks that the petrochemical and plastics industry poses to health, human rights, local ecosystems and the global climate. We demand that FPG: (i) cease all polluting activities; (ii) Implement strict environmental controls; (iii) give transparent reports; (iv) compensate affected communities; and (v) invest in sustainable alternatives.



Hung-Yi Kuo, Secretary-General of the Environmental Jurists Association and member of the legal team, said that it is only through this large-scale marine pollution incident in Vietnam, that the Taiwanese judiciary’s apathy towards foreign victims, especially those under dictatorship, was brought to light. According to the Code of Civil Procedure, the authenticity of private documents are to be proven by the party who introduces it. To this end, we submitted videos, photographs and even went to Vietnam to sign the power of attorney in person. Yet, the Vietnamese plaintiffs are still required to go through the verification process via Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Vietnam. The risk of identity exposure involved and fear of retaliation by the Vietnamese government deter the plaintiffs from completing this process. During this period, many victims were forced to leave Vietnam to work as migrant workers. Plaintiffs or those otherwise involved in the case were monitored and arrested by the Vietnamese government. We call on the government not to turn a blind eye, allowing Taiwanese companies to cause pollution overseas and hide behind a totalitarian regime. The judiciary should establish as soon as possible an effective way for Taiwanese enterprises to be held accountable for the harms caused by their overseas infringement. 







Victims protest at the wrong place? Formosa Plastics does it again!

When the American and Vietnamese entered the conference room at the start of the shareholder’s meeting, Formosa Plastics Corporation (FPC) sent someone to tell us: “Don’t bring up the Louisiana and Vietnam case. This is not the appropriate occasion. “

In fact, we have heard the same thing before. Every year, FPC’s chairman claims that these U.S. and Vietnamese victims came to the wrong place given Formosa Plastics Industries only owns 11.432% of the Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corporation (FHTSC) shares and has little decision-making power. However, the chairman must be aware that Formosa Plastics Group as a whole owns 75.431% of the company. According to FHTSC official corporate governance structure, the board of directors is “the highest governance unit and the center of business decision-making.”  The board includes the chairman of FPC himself and 8 other FPG’s top executives. Even the supervisor of FHTSC is also a senior member of the FPG.

Despite the victims and NGOs’ pleas to cease the human rights violations and environmental pollution, the chairman of Formosa Plastics still gave the same response at the end of the shareholders’ meeting,  – “We (Formosa) will pass your concerns to (VHTSP).” Formosa Plastics has the decision-making power yet choose not to exercise it. If anything, the chairman’s response is but another attempt to fudge the issue and delegitimize the victims.


主辦單位 Organizer ▮ 監督台塑越鋼聯盟 Monitor Formosa Alliance 
聯盟組織 Members ▮ 環境權保障基金會 Environmental Rights Foundation、環境法律人協會 Environmental Jurists Association、天主教新竹教區越南移工移民辦公室 Vietnamese Migrant Workers and Immigrants Office、台塑受害者正義會 Justice for Formosa Victim、台灣人權促進會 Taiwan Association of Human Rights、人權公約施行監督聯盟 Covenants Watch

發言名單 ▮
Diane Wilson|Goldman Environmental Prize 2023 得主、台塑德州受害者 Victims of the Formosa Plastics Texas Pollution 
Sharon Lavigne|Goldman Environmental Prize 2021 得主、台塑路州受害者  Victims of the Formosa Plastics Louisiana Pollution
阮文雄神父 Peter Nguyễn Văn Hùng|天主教新竹教區越南移工移民辦公室主任 Vietnamese Migrant and Immigrant Office of the Catholic Church's Hsinchu Diocese
Nancy Bui 裴南茜|美國台塑受害者正義會 (Justice for Formosa Victims) 副會長
郭鴻儀律師 Hung-Yi Kuo|環境法律人協會秘書長暨律師團成員 Secretary-General, Environmental Jurists Association; Lawyer for the 2016 lawsuit
孫興瑄|環境權保障基金會研究員 Researcher, Environmental Rights Foundation