Shadow Report 2016 on the Implementation of ICESCR

Shadow Report 2016 on the Implementation of ICESCR

  • 出版日期: 2016年8月
  • 頁數: 127
  • 語言: 英文

About the Report

The Shadow Report on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was prepared for two reasons. First, it complements the government report for the review of the second state human rights report in January 2017 by international experts; second, it summarizes the disagreement between civil society organizations and the government with regard to human rights issues in Taiwan between 2013 and 2016.

The report is the product of scores of authors affiliated with 79 NGOs, whose names are listed below. Covenants Watch served as the platform of collaboration for this process, with the help of associate editors. The production and translation of this report will not be possible without the support of donations to the 318 Sunflower Movement (managed through the Economic Democracy Union), grants from Taiwan Foundation for Democracy and Taipei Bar Association, Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, and individual donations to the Covenants Watch.


Table of Contents

  1. About the Report
  2. List of Figures and Tables
  3. Special Chapter on Indigenous Peoples
  4. Article 2 & 3: The Principle of Equality and Non-Discrimination
  5. Article 6: The Right to Work
  6. Article 7: Conditions of Work
  7. Article 8: Labor Unions
  8. Article 9: Social Security
  9. Article 10: Protection of Families, Children, and Young Persons
  10. Article 11: Adequate Standard of Living (Right to Adequate Housing, Food, and Water)
  11. Article 12: Right to Health
  12. Article 13: The Right to Education
  13. Article 15: Culture Rights